Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Welcome to The PR Blog

If you're anything like me, you're probably beginning your journey (or well on your way) trying to figure out the multi-faceted wonder and excitement that is your career: public relations.

Three years ago I was a college graduate with stars in my eyes and dreams in my head of what an amazing Rock Star of Public Relations I would become. Mm-hm. Watch out, world.

After a couple of great internships, my first paid job was with a tiny mom-and-pop agency where I spent most of my lunch breaks crying in a bathroom stall wondering what I had gotten myself into. Three months of that and one "I quit" conversation with the boss later, I walked the stage unemployed and stayed that way until the fates looked mercifully down on me and I was hired at Creative Civilization in October 2006.

Suddenly, the world changed from black and white to color.

I just recently finished my master's degree in December 2008 and have been wanting to share my experiences with young professionals, such as myself, starting from the beginning. When I first enrolled in grad school, I didn't understand what a "blog" was so I Googled it and got nothing. Then I checked on Wikipedia. Couldn't find anything. That's how fast things have changed in three years and how quickly trends have changed. I'm trying to keep up with the social media phenomenon - and if you're not doing it, you should.

My only goal with this blog is to inspire you, make you understand something like never before, give you some good advice from someone who's been there or just make you laugh.

Welcome to The PR Blog.

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