Sunday, September 11, 2011

Public Relations 101: Teaching at the University Level

I was recently appointed to Our Lady of the Lake University as an Adjunct Professor, teaching a senior-level public relations course under the College of Arts and Sciences. It is truly an honor to finally have made it to this point in my career where I have the education and the experience to educate future professionals about the history of this industry.

I have to hand it to my students - our syllabus is ambitious. We're covering a lot of ground every week - and we only meet on Thursday evenings. My goal is to get as many experts in the classroom as possible. My first classroom guest lecture will take place on October 6 during the week that we'll cover media relations. I'm inviting a few of my friends and colleagues in the media to speak on a panel to which I'll be moderating.

Very excited and learning as much from my students as they are learning from me.