Monday, October 24, 2011

In the event you need inspiration

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.”
Maya Angelou
One night, when I was in college in the year 2005, I called my friend Danya from bed. I was under the blankets in tears, feeling completely hopeless, tired and broke. College life wasn't as easy as it was the first two years. I had another year to go, I was living on a generous stipend but it wasn't enough.   
I wanted to be out of college but I was afraid of never finding a job.A mountain of doubt loomed before me. 

In that moment, I needed a friend to uplift me. Danya gave me the world's best pep talk. I don't recall everything she said - but it worked. I needed her in that moment. A few days after our talk, she sent me a card with a nice note inside. I found it recently and I called her to tell her about it and to thank her for being my friend. 

The truth is, I never doubted for a second that I wanted to be a PR person. But the road wasn't easy. I studied hard, I worked for free for two and a half years, my first job had me crying in the bathroom every day for three months before I quit and resigned myself to graduate school before landing what I truly consider my first job out of college. 

If I can give advice, I'd second Maya Angelou's quote - do what you love. When you come from a place of abundance and love, success can't help but follow you. If money is what you want, it will come. As long as you do your work and you do your best. Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew because we want to prove something, or we're just learning our thresholds. That's okay.

I was sitting in a meeting today and saw my Creative Directors notebook. It said "Some people dream of success while other wake up every day and work hard at it."

Thank about that. ;) And don't ever give up.

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